Community Development Works is a program of The Rapides Foundation

Voting / Giving Information

Why is voting important?

Benefits to Individuals:

  • More active citizenship
  • Stronger connections to family and neighbors, better quality of life
  • Having a voice in shaping the community

Benefits to Nonprofits:
  • More access to elected officials
  • Increased clout on issues
  • Better positioned to advance their mission.
Most importantly voting gives a community as a whole a voice.

Visit CDW’s Learning Lab to find resources covering how-to guides on voting, engaging people in voting, trends in voting, and more. 

Why is giving important?

Benefits to Individuals:
  • Promoting generosity in the next generation
  • Personal satisfaction of helping others
  • Ability to take tax deductions

Benefits to Nonprofits:
  • Enhancing nonprofits ability to bring about change
  • Develop a network of loyal supporters
  • Increase revenue

Most importantly giving gives a community as a whole the opportunity to grow.
Visit CDW's Learning Lab to find resources covering how to guides on giving, engaging people in giving, trends in giving, and more.

CDW Resources on Voting

CDW Resources on Giving

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