Engage Community |
CDW seeks to foster increased civic engagement based on the idea that actively involved citizens can lead to a higher quality of life in Central Louisiana. When people equip themselves with the knowledge and skills they need to make a difference, then the "community" can benefit from the positive impact of that work. CDW provides resources and tools on how to engage community through volunteerism, voting and giving.
The Community Builders WorkSpace is a quarterly eBulletin published by CDW's Learning Lab. It is Central Louisiana's local resource for civic engagement information including trending topics and research, published articles on evidence-based practices in notable journals and periodicals, and upcoming training and informational opportunities at CDW.
Volunteering is performing or offering to perform a service of one's own free will without regard to pay. Following a disaster or emergency, the desire to serve and lend assistance naturally gets stronger among volunteers. However, volunteers can help build better communities anytime by lending their time, talent, and effort to various causes.
Potential volunteers can research opportunities available through various matching services compiled by CDW's Learning Lab while nonprofits can learn more about how to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. CDW seeks to help make connections between nonprofits and the volunteers who are wanting to serve.
CDW's Learning Lab is a civic engagement resource center and customized nonprofit management library. With WiFi access, you can research the latest Giving USA data, learn how to access Louisiana voting data and voter registration resources, or use CDW's various collections of nonprofit sector resources. Browse the physical library or view online tools and databases. The Learning Lab is a space where community builders can design quality of life projects.