Community Development Works is a program of The Rapides Foundation


CDW's Learning Lab hosts a variety of resources and information to help you address nonprofit management and civic engagement challenges. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below or direct your specific question to Felicia, CDW's Training Specialist, using the form below:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I start a nonprofit organization?
  • How do I start a business?
  • What's the difference between a for-profit organization and a nonprofit organization?
  • How do I find grants for my nonprofit?
  • Where can I find grants for individuals?
  • How do I write a grant proposal?
  • Can religious or faith-based organizations apply for foundation grants?
  • Where can I find statistics or demographic information on my community?
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages to becoming a nonprofit organization?
  • How many board members should I have?
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