Community Development Works is a program of The Rapides Foundation

Consultant Directory

Jennifer - Visual Concepts & Designs, LLC

Graphic Design firm specializing in all forms of print and web design. Design services include, but are not limited to: newsletters, logo development, billboards, business cards, stationary and web sites. Visual Concepts & Designs also consults and assists with many forms of marketing and public relations.
Parish(es) Served: Allen, Avoyelles, Catahoula, Grant, LaSalle, Natchitoches, Rapides, Vernon, Winn
Specialization(s): Public Relations/Marketing
Mission(s) Supported: Public Relations/Marketing
Degrees(s) Certificate(s) :
Degree/Certification School or City/State Date/Year
Bachelor of Arts Louisiana College 2001
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Years of Consulting Experience

6-10 years


5003 Masonic Drive, Suite 116 Alexandria, LA 71301


(318) 561-8001

Affiliates :

Client References
Client: Community HealthWoRX
Description Of Service Provided: All printing and marketing pieces to advertise services. Includes logo development, newsletter design and layout, thank you cards, etc.
Contact: Linda Holinga
Phone Number: (318) 767-9979
Current Client : Yes
Client References
Client: Louisiana Baptist Convention
Description Of Service Provided: All printing and marketing pieces to advertise upcoming events, services. Includes logo development, brochure design and print, banners and banner stands, etc.
Contact: Kevin Boles
Phone Number: (318) 448-3402
Current Client : Yes
Client References
Client: Cleco Corporation
Description Of Service Provided: Printing and marketing pieces to advertise events, newsletters (special and customer-related), invitations, etc.
Contact: Susan Broussard
Phone Number: (318) 484-7400
Current Client : Yes
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