Community Development Works is a program of The Rapides Foundation

Consultant Directory

CDW maintains a directory of service providers with expertise in nonprofit management and organizational development areas. You can search this resource to identify technical assistance or support services to address your nonprofit's needs.

If you are a consultant interested in providing services to the Central Louisiana nonprofit community, Community Development Works (CDW) invites you to submit a profile for the Consultant Directory. After submission, our staff will review the registration information. Once it's approved, CDW will post your profile to the web site. For more information contact Felicia Walker at or (318) 767-3022

Consultant Search

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Mrs. Trudy Bell-Wickham - Starr Power, Inc

Trudy Bell-Wickham, CEO of STARR POWER Consulting, INC. assists leaders in creating order out of organizational chaos. Its mission is to help leaders and organizations foster clarity, commitment and alignment towards their vision and goals. STARR POWER provides customized consulting and management services that guides leaders and organizations to clear strategies for their future with specialized skills in board leadership development, governance policies and procedures, strategic planning, staff professional development....

Contact :


40204 Pelican Point Pkwy Gonzales, LA 70737


(225) 772-5321

Mrs. Susan Shaffette - Team Dynamics LLC

Team Dynamics offers consulting services to nonprofit organizations that include: training (online or face-to-face), strategic planning, leader coaching, development of programmatic or PR materials, research and report writing, association management and special events/conference management....

Contact :


2444 Rue Weller Mandeville, LA 70448


(985) 727-5586

Mr. Victor Dennis Jr. - Victor Dennis - Independent Consultant

Provides services related to board governance and human resource issues....

Contact :


257 Stilley Road Pineville, LA 71360


(318) 473-2273


Neither Community Development Works nor The Rapides Foundation endorses or recommends anyone enrolled in the Consultant Directory in regards to any services provided. This directory is for informational purposes only. It is the responsibility of the organization who wishes to hire a consultant to ask potential consultants for written information about qualifications, experience, and references before contracting with them.

NOTE: For more information contact Felicia Walker at or (318) 767-3022

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