Community Development Works is a program of The Rapides Foundation

Profile of Central Louisiana

Community Development Works
This series of fact sheets provides a quick overview of the nonprofit sector in each of the nine parishes that comprise Central Louisiana- Allen, Avoyelles, Catahoula, Grant, LaSalle, Natchitoches, Rapides, Vernon, and Winn.
Each fact sheet provides information on the number of nonprofits and congregations found in the parish; the types of services offered; basic financial measures, such as total revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities; sources of revenue; and a measure of fiscal health. The fact sheets also include basic demographic information for the parish, such as total population, median age, race-ethnic composition and median household income. A companion report, A Profile of Nonprofit Organizations in Central Louisiana, analyzes the size, scope, fiscal health, and other dimensions of the sector in detail.

Profile Of Nonprofit Organizations in Central Lousiana

Report of urban institute commissioned by Community Development Works and Rapides Foundation

Project Coordinators

Akeshia Singleton and Felicia Walker


This report, commissioned by Community Development Works, a program of The Rapides Foundation, is a comprehensive study of Central Louisiana’s nonprofit sector. It gives residents and community leaders the tools for understanding the basic size, scope, and financial dimensions of the sector, the extent to which nonprofits and faith-based organizations collaborate with one another, and a framework for understanding the challenges and issues facing the nonprofit sector. Please follow links on the left for more information about the report. Read the full report in PDF format.

Completed Work

  • Our first Nonprofit Community Assessment was designed to give voice to Central Louisiana residents and community leaders serving in the nonprofit sector in Cenla and to assess the effectiveness and scope of the nonprofit sector in the nine parish service area of Community Development Works and The Rapides Foundation. 
  • A regional analysis of the nonprofit sector in Central Louisiana to other regions of the state of Louisiana was conducted through research data obtained from various resources. 
  • Companion report, Central Louisiana in Focus, a series of fact sheets providing an analysis of the nonprofit sector and statistical information for each of the nine parishes in the service area of Community Development Works and The Rapides Foundation was developed.

About The Report

Project Staff

Report of the size and complexity of A Profile of Nonprofit Organizations in Central Louisiana could not be undertaken without the work of dedicated individuals. Members of the project staff include
  • Akeshia Singleton

    • Program Supervisor
    • Community Development Works
  • Felicia Walker

    Learning Lab Coordinator
    Community Development Works

  • Carol De Vita, Ph. D.

    • Senior Research Associate
    • Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy
    • The Urban Institute
  • Katie L. Uttke

    • Assistant Director
    • National Center for Charitable Statistics
    • The Urban Institute
  • Ms. Petya Kehayova

    • Former Research Assistant
    • National Center for Charitable Statistics
    • The Urban Institute 

Research Results

The report centered around six key areas:
  • The size and scope of the nonprofit sector in Central Louisiana compared to other regions of the state
  • The distribution of nonprofit resources in Central Louisiana 
  • The management of nonprofit financial resources in Central Louisiana 
  • The collaborative efforts between nonprofits and faith-based organizations in Central Louisiana 
  • The challenges critical to nonprofits and faith-based organizations in providing services and building better communities in Central Louisiana 
  • The strengths and distinctive features of the nonprofit sector in Central Louisiana

Data for the study are from a survey of 244 randomly selected nonprofit and faith-based organizations in Central Louisiana that responded to a telephone survey conducted by Louisiana State University between November 2008 and January 2009. Financial data for nonprofits in Central Louisiana and other parts of the state are from the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) at the Urban Institute. These data are based on the Forms 990 that nonprofits filed with the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) for the year 2006. Because of lags in data processing, 2006 data provide the most complete records for analysis.

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